10 Immune Boosting Foods

‘Tis the season. The season for germ-infested airplanes, schools full of sick kids, and an office of coughs and runny noses. Fortunately, nature has provided us with a huge variety of plants that keep our immune systems in tip top shape. Here are just a few:

  1. Garlic: Garlic is a natural anti-microbial and is a key ingredient in many home remedies. Research has suggested that garlic may prevent illness as well.
  2. Yogurt, Kimchi, Saurkraut, and Kombucha: Basically any food that is packed with probiotics. Probiotics are essential to a healthy gut, which is the first line of defense for your immune system. A healthy gut means a healthy immune system and body.
  3. Aloe: Aloe isn’t just for your sunburnt skin, it’s actually incredibly beneficial when taken internally. This is another plant that helps out the immune system and possibly helps to prevent cancer.
  4. Fruit: Fruit has two qualities that help our immune system, the natural antioxidants and vitamins (like vitamin C) as well as the presence of fiber. Fiber keeps your bowels moving and healthy and, with an immune system that relies on a healthy gut, helps us fight off bugs.
  5. Black and Green Tea:  These teas have polyphenols which have immune boosting qualities.
  6. Coconuts: Coconuts (including the oil) are rich in lauric acid which helps our immune system too.
  7. Mushrooms: These tasty foods help your white blood cells to be extra aggressive in fighting off germs, which translates to a healthy body.
  8. Dark Chocolate: Chocolate lovers rejoice! Dark chocolate is rich in zinc, which is an immune strengthening mineral.
  9. Sweet Potatoes: Or any food rich in beta carotene is great for your skin, which is a barrier against illness, as well as an essential nutrient for a healthy immune system.
  10. Cabbage: Cabbage is another food with anti-microbial elements. Plus it’s rich in amino acids that are essential to bug fighting cells.

Have a healthy holiday!

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