Guide To A Green Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is around the corner, a day devoted to showing moms that they are loved and though of. Growing up, my sisters and I would make my mom breakfast in bed and shower her with gifts. And although by the afternoon she was back to caring for her three girls, she never complained. I’ve only been a mom for a few years, but I feel comfortable saying that parenting is tough. Mother’s and Father’s Day are now fully appreciated around here.

Typical Mother’s Day gifts include flowers, chocolate, breakfast in bed, and jewelry. These things are cherished and loved, of course, but the flowers are filled with pesticides, the chocolate comes from poorly paid and treated workers, the breakfast filled with not so healthy ingredients, and the jewelry may have been industrially mined. Making a few mindful choices on how to show mom the love is super easy and more positive for all. Some of the best gifts don’t involve spending money on something, which means no waste and no harm done.

Here are some green suggestions from a mom on what mothers would love on Mother’s Day (or dads on Father’s Day, or any parent on any day you wish to celebrate them).

      1. A day to do whatever. As soon as a baby is born, life completely changes. Gone are the days of last minute hair appointments, regular yoga classes, meeting friends on a whim, and having the option of hopping in the car to do anything at the drop of a hat. Giving a mom of young kids the day to themselves will be much appreciated.
      2. Taking the day off. A mom’s list of roles and responsibilities is long and exhausting. Depending on the family and circumstances, a mom’s role can include everything from changing diapers, to feeding, to cleaning, to cooking, to juggling work and playing chauffeur. Sometimes mom just wants to someone else to make lunch or mop the floor.
      3. An organic, plant based breakfast. If breakfast in bed is on the menu, making it organic and plant based is good for the earth and for mom’s health. Help her start her day feeling her best. Try a Green SmoothieBlueberry Muffins, or some Tofu Breakfast Scramble.
      4. Make a donation. Humans aren’t the only mothers and it is always a good idea to remember Mother Earth. Find a charity like Defenders of Wildlife, Sierra Club, or the ASPCA and making a donation in mom’s name to help out the world and its inhabitants.
      5. Fair trade treats. When buying mom some chocolate (and yes, every holiday calls for chocolate), look for Fair Trade certified chocolate like Endangered Species, Theo Chocolate, or Green and Black’s Organics.
      6. Potted plants. Instead of buying precut flowers that will soon die, go for a plant that can keep living and growing. It’ll make the earth a little greener and bring a little outside joy to mom.
      7. Fund a CSA box subscription. CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) boxes are weekly or bi-weekly boxes of produce from a local farm. It supports local agriculture and brings a super fun variety of fruits and veggies to your home. Mom can have fresh and seasonal produce and save on the grocery bill too.
      8. A green spa kit. Give mom the stuff she needs to create a little spa day for herself. Stick to natural and nontoxic bubble baths, soaps, and lotions. An organic cotton robe is a great addition as well.
      9. Kinder jewelry. Choosing jewelry from a reputable source like Vavavida or Brilliant Earth or buying second hand are great, eco friendly choices. Industrial mining uses harmful chemicals, destroys habitats, and often exploits workers.
      10. Eco friendly “Mom Gifts”. Give mom a helping hand by treating her to some earth friendly gifts that will be useful throughout her busy days. A reusable water bottle, some healthy snacks for the car, a greener diaper bag, a subscription to a magazine, gift cards to stores she frequents, a guaranteed babysitter for a date night, and green and ethical fashion.

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