April Book Round Up for a Preschooler

We read quite a bit around here. My son has always enjoyed looking at books and being read to, so it’s not unusual to read four or five picture books throughout the day. He can often be found sitting quietly in a corner, reading to himself from memory.

We like to have a variety of books on hand, particularly both fiction and non-fiction. Screen time is really limited in our house, so we rely on books as both entertainment and reference. So when my son has a question about something like a butterfly, we look it up in a book from the library or one we have.

Not everything we read fits within the age recommendations for a specific book, but we have found many “advanced” books to be easy for my son to take in small doses and with our help. These are the books we have been loving this month:


Chirri & Chirra

My son has me read “Chirri and Chirra” over and over again because it’s like magic to him. It’s a dreamy book translated from Japanese about two little girls that go on a little adventure through the forest. An adorable book and I definitely plan on checking out the others in the series!


The Big Book of Bugs

A huge interest of my son’s right now is bugs. He loves finding different kinds in the yard or at the park and this book is just perfect for him. It has super cute illustrations of common insects and little bits of information about them. It seems to be just right for his age; enough information to satisfy questions and inspire curiosity.


Mix It Up!

“Mix It Up!” is one of those books that completely delights kids. You interact with it, so it’s definitely not a bedtime book, but it’s fantastic during art time or when we are waiting for dinner.


Lovabye Dragon

We can’t help but smile every time we read this. A little girl longs for a dragon and soon finds her best friend. We originally checked this out at the library and loved it so much that we bought it. A lovely and sweet book.


The Giving Tree

This classic book is on many “must read” lists for a reason. It’s tough to get through without choking up a bit, but my son loves this book so much. We only recently got this, but we have read it quite a few times.


Curiositree: Natural World: A Visual Compendium of Wonders from Nature

We stumbled upon this book when I was trying to find some more animal books for reference. And this is an absolute gem. Gorgeous pictures, awesome information, and overall a really well put together book.



When we went on a recent trip to another state, my son had lots of questions about where things were. This book has been such a help to describe geography as well as introduces fun facts about places around the world. My husband and I ended up pouring over this one because it’s just packed with information.


Nature Anatomy: The Curious Parts and Pieces of the Natural World (Julia Rothman)

The illustrations originally drew me to this book and it ended up being one of my son’s favorites. He loves the pictures of the animals and I love that they have just the right amount of information for him. We use this book all the time for answering questions or jump starting some inspiration.


Peter in Blueberry Land
Elsa Beskow books are always a joy to read. The pictures are just stunning and gorgeous, and the stories are sweet. I particularly appreciate that they are a bit more wordy, which is great for helping my son to lengthen his attention span. He absolutely adores this book and we’ve read it frequently lately.


Little Excavator

Any parent of a little boy knows how crazy excited they get about construction equipment. My son is no different. So “Little Excavator” is of course an immediate favorite for us. The illustrations in this one are so cute and the rhyming is loads of fun.


Happy Reading!


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