Chili Cucumber Mango Salad


We have been going through another rough(er) sleep patch. Last night, the toddler was up every 15 minutes at one point. He’s not upset or anything when he wakes, he’s just such an intense tornado of a toddler during the day, it’s starting to pop up more at night. He will sit up and ask for water, or to use the potty, or to play with his trains, or get a banana, or find his car, or even go outside. It’s annoying to say the least but it’s not like we’ve gotten a full night’s sleep in the past two and a half years anyway.


Constant sleep deprivation is brutal. Sometimes I forget what I was thinking about mid-thought. On particularly rough mornings, I am nowhere near above turning on the TV for my son so that I can get an extra fifteen minutes of sleep. Although, that plan backfired this morning when he decided that he was ready to start the day at full force. As tired as I am, I’ll admit that my toddler is great at forcing me to keep a solid momentum and get stuff done.


In a recent sleep deprived stupor this week, I forgot to use the cilantro. So I needed to use it up before it got mushy and gross. I used it in a salad with a few other refrigerator casualties and oh my. This salad is so simple, I felt a little weird posting this recipe. But seriously, it is that good. Just goes to show that sometimes the simplest recipes are the best.


Crunchy, cool cucumbers meet sweet mango, refreshing cilantro, zesty lime juice, and spicy chili powder. It’s crazy easy but a perfect summer salad.


Chili Cucumber Mango Salad


  • 1 cucumber, sliced thin
  • 1 mango, diced
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1/4 cup cilantro, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • salt, to taste


  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and chill until serving. Enjoy!
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