Cork Stamp Christmas Trees

‘Tis the season for holiday arts and crafts! Store bought decorations are fine but there really is nothing better than something homemade up on the fridge or hanging on the tree.

Young children can sometimes have trouble with elaborate arts and crafts, especially with all the detail oriented holiday crafts involving reindeer and snowmen and Santa. Young children benefit from simple art projects that will not only hold their interest, but help to develop their fine motor skills as well as form the foundation of their understanding of art.

We had a bunch of corks in our three year old’s art and craft supplies and they make the perfect round stamp. Three year olds can be quite energetic, so I’m always looking for activities that will keep him occupied and in one spot for longer than a few minutes. Stamps AND paint? A sure hit!

To do this project all you need is construction paper, tempera paint, corks, and glue. First, you (or if your child is older, they can do this) cut a tree out of green paper. Also cut a little brown tree stump. Glue both to another piece of paper. Then, pour your choice of paint colors and match each color with a wine cork. The child simply dips the corks into the paint and stamps them onto the paper tree.

This project helps with a number of skills. Children must practice their fine motor skills to grasp the corks and stamp them on the paper. It also helps with patience and precision as the child needs to choose a location for their stamp ornaments and hold the cork steady enough to create the circle shape. You can also use this project to teach color theory such as complimentary and primary colors. Or even just the names of colors for very young kids. Most importantly, an activity like this is a great opportunity for kids to explore mediums such as paint and to practice using a variety of art materials. This project is easy and engaging and is a great way to bring some holiday spirit into the craft space!

How cute are they?!


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