Strawberry Banana Smoothie


It really is true that simple is best. The power of a single red rose, or a heartfelt card, or even handing over the remote for the night. When it comes to expression, it’s the meaning and the heart behind the gestures, especially the everyday and simple ones.


For Valentine’s Day, my husband gifts me with red roses and chocolate covered strawberries, but his sweet little actions throughout the day is what make it special. Offering to make breakfast, or making me a special little snack, or filling up my water bottle. Sweet kisses throughout the day are simple but powerful ways to say “I love you”.


I do enjoy a complex smoothie. The right flavor combinations can be super interesting for the taste buds and open up a wide variety of options. But there are certain smoothie flavors that are tried and true for a reason. A strawberry banana smoothie is one of these classic flavor combinations and just so simple. The creaminess of the banana paired with the tart sweetness of the strawberry is really just perfect.


This pretty pink smoothie is perfect for Valentine’s Day today. Simple, sweet, delicious. Plus, strawberries are always romantic.


Strawberry Banana Smoothie


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup nondairy milk
  • 1-2 Tbsp hemp seeds
  • 1 tsp cinnamon


  1. Blend all ingredients in a high powered blender and enjoy!

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